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    马宝亮:以“马”抒情 自成一家(305次)
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点击次数:433064次 添加时间:2007-6-28 9:55:32 来源:中国美术协会网



       Xiuying Chen, born in Hebei province, China, in 1946, and moved to Hubei province with her parents when she was very young. Xiuying is currently living and creating artistic work in Sydney Australia. Graduated from Hubei Art Institute, Xiuying is member of the China Artists Association. Xiuying's recent work "Central Railway Station, Sydney" won the Trustee's Watercolour Prize in the 2013 Archibald, Wynne, and Sulman Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia.
       During Xiuying's over 30 years art life, she has created her contemporary Chinese paintings of unique styles. Xiuying was awarded as "Excellent Art Creator" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Many of Xiuying's art works were exhibited internationally with awards, and were collected by different organisations and individuals.  Xiuying and her art works were reported in special columns by Art Newspaper, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Taiwan National News, Chinese Artists, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collectors, Collectors, Australian Chinese Daily, Sintao Daily etc. Xiuying's art works were published in Xiuying Chen's Heavy Colours, Art from Dasuyingzi Workshop, Chinese Phoenix Dictionary, etc.



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