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中国画家张爱华简介 |
点击次数:409107次 添加时间:2012-7-3 22:32:03 来源:中国美术协会网 | ||||||||
中国画家张爱华官方网站:http://aihuazhang.caaan.cn 中国画家张爱华 张爱华,悉尼多元文化艺术画廊创始人;澳大利亚美术家协会副主席、教授;中国女画家协会会员;澳大利亚地平线摄影协会会员、中国湖北省摄影家协会会员;法国巴黎书画委员会特聘画家。早年毕业于湖北省荆州教育学院美术专业,结业于清华大学美术学院艺术创作高研班。先后师承华中师范大学美术系教授郭方颐先生、著名画家张龙印、郭石夫、唐明松、熊晓东先生。 作品多次参加国内外书画作品展览并获奖或被众多单位和个人收藏。 个人网址:网址:http://aihuazhang.caaan.cn Mr. Zhang Aihua, Founder of Sydney Multicultural Art Gallery. Vice chairman of the Australian Artists Association, Professor. Art Consultant of the Australia Calligraphers Association, member of the Chinese Women Painters Association, Member of Horizon Photography Society of Australia. member of Photographic Society of America, and distinguished painter of the Paris Painting and Calligraphy Committee of France. In her early years, she graduated from the fine arts major of Jingzhou College of Education in Hubei Province and graduated from the Art Creation Class of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. she successively studied under the professor Fangyi Guo of the Department of Fine Arts of Central China Normal University, and the famous painters Longyin Zhang, Shifu Guo, Mingsong Tang and Xiaodong Xiong. Her works have participated in many exhibitions of painting and calligraphy works at home and abroad and won awards or have been collected by many units and individuals. Personal website: http://aihuazhang.caaan.cn 中国画家张爱华作品 更多中国画家张爱华作品欣赏>>
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